How Amama Mbabazi Rose and Fell in three Days

Those that wanted to understand the psyche of Criminal Amama Mbabazi on the cheap, were fed with the most pathetic press conference of all-time. The press conference that was held by the Mbabazi camp, was designed to be subjective, but ended being an egoistical showcase of Amama Mbabazi stupidity. The disdain towards journalists by Amama Mbabazi left... Continue Reading →

The Rwandan Born, turned Uganda Dictator

The Rwandan born, turned uganda Dictator Yoweri Museveni-has  issued a statement: “To Irresponsible People Spreading Falsehoods Using WhatsApp” I would like to inform the listeners and those who follow the goings on, on the social media that that I described the first group as “Abasiru”, “Abashema” and “Abazigu” (stupid, uninformed and enemies). I now describe this... Continue Reading →

Uganda Class War

What many Ugandans have not realised or pretending not to acknowledge, is the inequality in society built on hallmarks of tribalism. Its all about empowering a tribal middle class while the rest of the population is left helpless and scrimping for fish bones and religious therapy from Christian fundamentalists. Its no more a guarantee, to... Continue Reading →

The Half-baked Uganda Rights

The Bill of rights should be entrenched in the Uganda constitution. The absence of this right should not stop the citizens of Uganda from breaking the law to make a political statement. This does not necessarily mean that they do not expect any legal consequences to follow, it may simply mean that they assert a... Continue Reading →

République démocratique du Congo Art

République démocratique du Congo bandes dessinées. C'est l'histoire d'une Princes, (princes Kabibi) tomber en amour avec une danseuse. Princes Kabibi n'est pas timide au sujet de son amour pour un danseur.   This comic concept is a bout a Princes  falling in love with a local  boy-the two have something in common, the love for... Continue Reading →

Uganda League of Thieves

Today 90% of  Uganda institutions are either broken and rotten due to chronic mismanagement or are run by an extended or family member of Criminal Yoweri Museveni.Thus, the regime of Criminal Yoweri Museveni will not only be remembered for killing and embezzlement, but also for mercilessly destroying Uganda institutions. What is sickening and pathetic, is the... Continue Reading →

Virunga Art Lab

The Virunga mountains vegetation could change if not protected Very many apologies to all fans of this Blog for not updating it regularly-not posted anything for a very long-time, I promise this year, to post great content. The famous Virunga Mountains Gorillas will feature a lot, and they will be brought to life. The History... Continue Reading →

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