Why Norbert Mao is Spying for Dictator Yoweri Museveni

The intimidation and abusive language from Uganda Democratic Party(DP) squatter, Norbert Mao- qualifies  him to be denied the space of misleading Uganda democrats. His arrogance and mismanagement are not DP's , but National Resistance Movement hallmarks. Norbert Mao is Yoweri Museveni's Cadre Those that are still dreaming of Norbert Mao being a democratic, you need some reality check. His leadership... Continue Reading →

Uganda League of Thieves

Today 90% of  Uganda institutions are either broken and rotten due to chronic mismanagement or are run by an extended or family member of Criminal Yoweri Museveni.Thus, the regime of Criminal Yoweri Museveni will not only be remembered for killing and embezzlement, but also for mercilessly destroying Uganda institutions. What is sickening and pathetic, is the... Continue Reading →

Open Letter to President Joseph Kabila

According to research by UN human rights investigators and Human Rights Watch, troops under Makenga's command were responsible for an ethnic massacre in Buramba, recruitment of children and summary executions of deserters while a commander of the National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) armed group in 2007-2008; Zimurinda is allegedly responsible for... Continue Reading →

Rwanda: Paul Kagame on a Tight rope

As I write this post-God knows how much blood, murderer Kagame(Pilato) has shed today in the Democratic Republic of Congo assuming that its indeed a democratic republic. What readers should understand is that, the Human rights abuses in Congo have an international dimension: forget about Eastern Congo, because that's were the Illuminati mafia wants you... Continue Reading →

Uganda today, Uganda face

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Uganda today, uganda contemporary art

During my days at film school, my lesbian tutor, that seemed to fantasize some major black rudeness, always reminded me that this world had only "nine stories" and her king-size bed was among the stories. I still don't believe her to this day because... Africa is a lab of stories and that's why the western... Continue Reading →

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